Water Treatment

Water Softeners:

North Star Plumbing sells Sterling Water Softener Systems

If you are in need of a new water softener or replacement, we can install a new sterling water softener. These softeners are reliable and long lasting. Our geographic area tends to have particularly hard water which can be very hard on your plumbing appliances and fixtures. We also recommend Dura Cube Salt for your new water softener. Dura Cube salt is 99.8% pure and designed to work with the softener to be clean and trouble free.

Iron Filters:

If you are worried about the iron levels in your water, a whole-house iron filter may be the key. A whole-house iron filter can efficiently take the iron out with very little maintenance for you. Iron can cause buildups in your toilet bowls and faucets and add strain on all your water appliances leading to more repairs and replacements. Too much iron can also cause yellow, red, or brown stains on laundry and dishes as well as potential health hazards. To have your water’s iron level tested, give us a call or stop in with a sample of your water.

Reverse Osmosis:

A reverse osmosis water filtration system will deliver clean and pure water straight from your kitchen faucet. An RO system is the most effective and economical way to provide you and your family with bottled water quality for a fraction of the cost. An RO system filters the impurities, contaminants, chemicals, and solids from your water, leaving you with nothing but clean and pure water. You will be amazed with how much better your ice, drinks and coffee will taste. RO systems also require very little maintenance from you, as the filters only need to be changed once a year!